

Be born at Heibei Shijiazhuang, ancestral home Liaoning. Checked attached middle school of Lu Xun academy of fine arts 1955, was graduated from department of woodcut of Lu Xun academy of fine arts 1964. Allocation of of the same age issues bureau drawing office to stamp of Beijing Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, pursue job of stamp artistic design. Transferred into 1986 people art publishing house, hold the post of woodcut world subeditor, (Watercolour is artistic) subeditor. Chief editor " complete works of Chinese modern art. Watercolour coils " , " Chinese watercolour draw history " , " Chinese watermark woodcut " wait for large an album of paintings.
Since 1987, ever was in the United States early or late, cease Si Dui, Japan, and other places of and other places of fine of Tokyo, Osaka, Kobe, Nai, Singapore, Malaysia, Korea holds individual watercolour art exhibition for many times.
Joined Chinese artist consortium 1980.
Was chosen to be director of association of Chinese woodcut home 1987.
1992 by Chinese beauty assist hire for countrywide beauty assist watercolour (pink) art exhibition commissioner.
Was hired to be Chinese beauty 1993 assist aquarelle art appoint conference committee member.
Was hired to be Chinese beauty 1999 assist the 2nd aquarelle art appoint meeting secretary-general, countrywide watercolour (pink) art exhibition the 2nd, 3, 4, 5, 6 commissioners, countrywide beauty is exhibited the 9th, commissioner of 10 whole nations.
It is Chinese beauty now assist aquarelle art appoint art of meeting secretary-general, China publishs total company to read and edit, countrywide beauty exhibits evaluation committee member.