陈汗青,1946年元月生于武汉,武汉理工大学艺术与设计学院教授,博士生导师。现任武汉理工大学艺术与设计学院院长。是我国设置工业设计工程硕士领域先行者,是武汉理工大学设计艺术学博士点的学术带头人。陈汗青教授从事高教专业设计教学三十多年;早在十七年前就是《设计概论》课程的主讲教师,该课学生作业曾多次在省内外获奖。编辑本段学习经历 先后毕业于湖北艺术学院美术系中专和中央工艺美术学院(现为清华大学美术学院)。
主编了设计艺术学丛书与艺术学丛书,出版了《设计·要素·价值》、《数码设计艺术》、《设计的营销与管理》、《设计的法规》、《视觉传达设计》、《造型基础》、《产品设计》(十五国家规划教材)等著作与教材,发表了近70篇学术论文,主持了一系列设计项目,指导学生取得了数十项省部级以上的成果,培养了一大批优秀学生。 代表性论文:《设计表达的有效沟通原理》
Chen Han is green, january gave birth to Yu Wuhan 1946, wuhan manage is versed in university art and design institute are taught, doctoral student adviser. Currently hold the post ofart of college of Wuhan grain industry and design prexy. It is forerunner of domain of Master of project of design of industry of our country setting, it is the academic leader that Wuhan manage is versed in the university designs art to learn a doctoral degree program. Professor of old historical records is engaged in teaching professional design high teacher and student more than 30 years; Be early seventeen years ago is " design generality " teacher of give a lecture, exercise of this class student ever was saving bear the palm of inside and outside for many times. Editor this paragraph study experience is graduated from art of Hubei art institute early or late is technical secondary school and institute of central arts and crafts (it is Tsinghua university academy of fine arts now) .
Chief editor design art learns a series of books and art to learn a series of books, published " value of · of design · element " , " digital design is artistic " , " the sale of the design and management " , " the code of the design " , " the vision communicates a design " , " modelling foundation " , " products plan " (teaching material of 15 states program) wait for composing and teaching material, published nearly 70 paper, managed a series of design projects, directive student obtained several decathlon to save the achievement of ministry class above, trained large quantities of one outstanding students. Representative paper: " communicate a principle effectively what design expression "
Win the special award that Chinese light the Ministry of Works in feudal China grants early or late, division of department of propaganda of provincial Party committee, province assist, the province is wrapped assist wait for the design work that award to exhibit gold prize, Hubei to save outstanding Master paper to coach award, Hubei saves award of adviser of outstanding graduate student, " design generality " obtain course of national high-quality goods and Wuhan the award such as award of education of grain industry college. Obtained Wuhan manage to be versed in the university teachs formal name division the title 2006.
Hold Chinese industry part-time to design association industry of college of vice-chairman of committee of art of environment of construction of standing director, China, Ministry of Education designs professional guidance industry of association of artist of committee committee member, China designs artistic committee college of committee member, Ministry of Education is artistic Master major coachs committee committee member, Hubei is artistic academy assistant dean, Hubei. 1993 by division of ministry of national occurrences in human life, labor department, China assist hire jointly for industry design series lecture is taught.