2015年 2015年5月,作品《盛世观灯》入选四川省“大山大水大美四川”美术创作工程作品展,获优秀奖,被四川美术馆收藏。
2015年 2015年7月,作品《花巷观鱼图》入选四川省廉政建设美术作品展。
2015年 2015年9月,作品《太行晨曦》入选四川纪念抗战70周年暨世界反法西斯胜利美术作品展。
2015年 2015年9月,作品《悉揽湖山》参加“丹青峨嵋”四川省名家美术作品提名展。
2015年 2015年9月,作品《汉风》入选四川版画名家邀请展。
2015年 2015年6月6日,山水画《细揽湖山》、《园林撷秀》、《园林佳色》、《峨嵋清音》作品共四件参加“西南力量?雅昌”水墨艺术邀请展。
2015年 2015年11月,山水画《双廊印象》、《和顺人家》、《甘孜藏乡》入选2015四川美协"深入生活,扎根人民"采风写生展,作品《甘孜藏乡》被四川美术馆收藏。
2014年 2014年8月,作品《重建之三》入选“春天的故事”纪念邓小平诞辰110周年全国美术作品展。
2014年 2014年,作品《在那遥远的地方》入选《穿越地平线——中国首届西部青年版画家主题创作展》
2014年 2014年作品《湖光山黛园林秀》入选《丹青南充——2014四川省名家作品提名展》。
2013年 2013年4月,在四川省人民政府主办,四川省文化厅承办的首届文艺创作“文华奖”评选中获得二等奖。
2012年 2012年3月,作品《青花瓷系列》在四川省女职工摄影书画大赛中获得金奖。
2012年 2012年,作品《辛亥革命荣县首义》签约四川省重大历史题材美术创作,作品被四川美术馆收藏。
2012年 2012年12月,获得四川省文联颁发的四川省巴蜀文艺美术创作一等奖。
2011年 2011年6月,作品《重建》之三入选“四川更加美丽”四川美术书法名家优秀作品进京展。
2011年 2011年8月,作品《重建》之三入选“纪念建党90周年”全国美术作品展
2011年 2011年8月,作品《在那遥远的地方》入选2011年第19届全国版画届展,被江苏美术馆收藏。
2010年 2010年5月,获得四川省美术家协会颁发的美术创作二等奖。
2010年 2010年12月,作品《山寨的记忆》(合作)入选2010全国中国画大展。
2009年 2009年5月,作品《重建》之一入选“感恩?重建——纪念5?12汶川大地震一周年全国美术作品展”。并被四川省神洲版画博物馆收藏。
2009年 2009年11月,作品《重建》之二入选由中国美协主办的十一届全国美术作品展览,获提名奖。并在《美术》杂志上发表。
2008年 2008年9月,作品《午后阳光》被四川美术馆收藏。
2007年 2007年10月,作品《清音》入选华西能源杯全国中国画大展,荣获优秀奖。
2004年 2004年5月,作品《年华》获四川省美术教师美展优秀作品(最高奖)。
2004年 2004年作品《农家乐》(合作)在文化部主办的群星奖评选中获省“星光灿烂”美术书法比赛二等奖。
2004年 2004年版画作品《汉风》入选四川省美术家协会主办的美展,在省美术展览馆展出。
Unripe in May 1976, be graduated from faculty of art of Sichuan technical institute early or late, academy of fine arts of southwest Normal University, ren Sichuan is beautiful assist allusion hides department vice director. Save the United States for Chinese artist academician, Sichuan now assist woodcut, landscape painting art appoint painter of courtyard of painting and calligraphy of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference of province of conference committee member, Sichuan, from tribute city beauty assist advisory.
Individual chronological table spreads out
2015 May 2015, work " flourishing age watchs the tube " selected Sichuan is saved " Sichuan of great beauty of big hill flood " work of engineering of art creative work is exhibited, win outstanding award, be collected by Sichuan art gallery.
2015 in July 2015, work " fish of the view that spend alley pursues " selected Sichuan saves Lian Zhengjian to set art work to exhibit.
2015 in September 2015, work " too Hang Chenxi " anniversary and 70 worlds turn over war of resistance against aggression of selected Sichuan souvenir work of fascist victory art is exhibited.
2015 in September 2015, work " all pulls lake hill " attend " painting delicate eyebrows " nomination of work of art of Sichuan province a person of academic or artistic distinction is exhibited.
2015 in September 2015, work " Han Feng " a person of academic or artistic distinction of selected Sichuan woodcut invites exhibit.
2015 on June 6, 2015, landscape painting " the fine hill that pull a lake " , " does gardens pick beautiful " , " gardens beautiful color " , " is delicate eyebrows atonic " does work attend 4 times in all " southwest force? Elegant prosperous " art of water Chinese ink invites exhibit.
2015 in November 2015, landscape painting " double corridor impression " , " with suitable other people " , " Gan Zi hides countryside " selected 2015 Sichuan are beautiful assist " development lives, paint from life of collect folk songs of " of take root people is exhibited, work " Gan Zi hides countryside " be collected by Sichuan art gallery.
2014 in August 2014, work " rebuild " selected " vernal story " work of art of 110 years of whole nations exhibits birthday of commemorative Deng Xiaoping.
2014 2014, work " in that distant place " selected " pass through horizontal -- Chinese head western creation of theme of young woodcut home is exhibited "
2014 2014 work " gardens of lake Guang Shandai is beautiful " selected " fill south painting -- nomination of work of a person of academic or artistic distinction of 2014 Sichuan province is exhibited " .
2013 in April 2013, in Sichuan province people government is sponsorred, first when hall of Sichuan province culture undertakes literary creation " Wen Hua award " second-class award is won in choosing.
2012 in March 2012, work " series of blue and white porcelain " the gold prize is won in contest of painting and calligraphy of photography of Sichuan province female worker.
2012 2012, work " county of flourish of revolution of laborious the last of the twelve Earthly Branches is the first to rise in revolt " the autograph makes an appointment with Sichuan to save creative work of art of great history subject matter,
2012 in December 2012, the Sichuan that obtains Sichuan to save article couplet to issue saves Ba Shuwen art art produces first prize.
2011 June 2011, work " rebuild " selected " Sichuan is more beautiful " a person of academic or artistic distinction of Sichuan art calligraphy is outstanding work is exhibited into Beijing.
2011 August 2011, work " rebuild " selected " commemorate found a party 90 years " countrywide art work is exhibited
2011 August 2011, work " in that distant place " selected 2011 woodcut of the 19th whole nation exhibit, be collected by Jiangsu art gallery.
2010 in May 2010, the art that obtains Sichuan to save artist association to issue creates second-class award.
2010 December 2010, work " the memory of mountain fastness " (collaboration) selected the traditional Chinese painting in 2010 whole nations is exhibited greatly.
2009 May 2009, work " rebuild " one of selected " be thankful? Rebuild -- souvenir 5? 12 short of Wenshui River plain work of art of a year of whole nation exhibits earth shake " . Be saved by Sichuan museum of divine continent woodcut is collected.
2009 in November 2009, work " rebuild " selected by Chinese beauty assist exhibition of sponsorred work of art of 11 whole nations, win nomination award. Be in " art " publish on the magazine.
2008 September 2008, work " afternoon sunshine " be collected by Sichuan art gallery.
2007 October 2007, work " atonic " the traditional Chinese painting in whole nation of cup of selected Huaxi the sources of energy is exhibited greatly, have the honor to win outstanding award.
2004 in May 2004, work " time " obtain Sichuan to save art teacher beauty to exhibit outstanding work (top prize) .
2004 2004 work " farmhouse is happy " (collaboration) the galaxy award that sponsors in culture ministry judges pitch on to capture a province " star-spangled " art calligraphy match is second-class award.
2004 2004 woodcut work " Han Feng " the beauty that association of artist of selected Sichuan province sponsors is exhibited, in the province art exhibition exhibits.
Cooperation Agency
Of short duration does not have cooperative gallery
Ginseng exhibit experience
2015 " 10 " , "Flourishing age paintings " high-quality goods of painting and calligraphy of countrywide a person of academic or artistic distinction is exhibited walk into Huang Shan series to exhibit. Yellow hill city,
2015 " county of flourish of revolution of laborious the last of the twelve Earthly Branches is the first to rise in revolt " , sichuan saves art of great history subject matter to create project Chengdu, sichuan art gallery
2015 " fish of the view that spend alley pursues " , sichuan saves Lian Zhengjian to set art work to exhibit. Chengdu, sichuan art gallery
2015 " too Hang Chenxi " , anniversary and 70 worlds turn over Sichuan souvenir war of resistance against aggression work of fascist victory art exhibits Chengdu, sichuan art gallery
2015 " all pulls lake hill " , "Painting delicate eyebrows " nomination of work of art of Sichuan province a person of academic or artistic distinction is exhibited. City of hill of high mountain eyebrow
2015 " one of Han Feng series " , sichuan woodcut a person of academic or artistic distinction invites exhibit Chengdu, sichuan university
2015 " impression of double corridor of countryside of pleasant Zi Tibet and suitable other people " , sichuan is beautiful assist " thorough life, take root people " paint from life of collect folk songs exhibits Chengdu, sichuan art gallery
2015 " flourishing age watchs the tube 78X115CM " , "Sichuan of great beauty of big hill flood " work of engineering of art creative work exhibits Chengdu, sichuan art gallery
2015 " all pulls lake hill gardens to pick eyebrow of high mountain of color of beautiful gardens beautiful is atonic " , southwest force Chengdu, art gallery of civil a small room
2014 " rebuild " , "Vernal story " work of art of 110 years of whole nations exhibits birthday of commemorative Deng Xiaoping Chongqing
2014 " in that distant place 107X92CM " , pass through horizontal -- Chinese head western creation of theme of young woodcut home exhibits Chengdu, size alley child art gallery
2014 " gardens of black of lake smooth hill is beautiful " , fill south painting -- nomination of work of a person of academic or artistic distinction of 2014 Sichuan province is exhibited south fill
2012 " series of blue and white porcelain " , sichuan saves Chengdu of contest of painting and calligraphy of female worker photography
2011 " " rebuild " the 48CMX108CM of series " , sichuan is more beautiful " a person of academic or artistic distinction of Sichuan art calligraphy is outstanding work exhibits Beijing into Beijing, museum of Chinese country history
2011 " " rebuild " the 48CMX108CM of series " , commemorate found a party 90 years " countrywide art work exhibits Beijing, chinese art gallery
2011 2011 woodcut of the 19th whole nation exhibit Nanjing, jiangsu art gallery
2010 " the memory of mountain fastness " , the traditional Chinese painting in 2010 whole nations exhibits Shijiazhuang greatly, heibei art gallery
2009 " " rebuild " one of series " , "Be thankful? Rebuild -- souvenir 5? 12 short of Wenshui River plain work of art of a year of whole nation exhibits earth shake " Chengdu, sichuan art gallery
2009 " " rebuild " the 48CMX108CM of series " , work of art of 11 whole nations exhibits Beijing, chinese art gallery
2007 " atonic " , the traditional Chinese painting in whole nation of cup of Hua Xineng source is exhibited greatly from tribute city, from tribute
2004 " time " , sichuan saves art teacher beauty to exhibit Chengdu, sichuan art gallery
2004 " farmhouse is happy " , the galaxy award that culture ministry sponsors judges pitch on to capture a province " star-spangled " art calligraphy exhibits Chengdu, sichuan art gallery
2004 " of Han Feng times " , sichuan saves the beauty that artist association sponsors to exhibit Chengdu, sichuan art gallery
Bear the palm is collected
2015 " flourishing age watchs the tube 78X115CM " , sichuan is saved " Sichuan of great beauty of big hill flood " work of engineering of art creative work is exhibited, outstanding award
2015 " flourishing age watchs the tube 78X115CM " , sichuan art gallery, collect
2013 " " rebuild " the 48CMX108CM of series " , first when hall of Sichuan province culture undertakes literary creation " Wen Hua award " , second-class award
The Sichuan that couplet of Sichuan province article issued 2012 saves Ba Shuwen art art produces first prize, first prize
Sichuan saved contest of painting and calligraphy of female worker photography 2012, gold prize
2011 " in that distant place 107X92CM " , jiangsu art gallery, collect
2009 " " rebuild " one of series " , china is beautiful assist work of sponsorred art of 11 whole nations is exhibited, nomination award
2009 " " rebuild " one of series " , sichuan visits museum of divine continent woodcut, collect
2008 " afternoon the 51CMX74CM of sunshine " , sichuan art gallery, collect
2007 " atonic " , china of source cup whole nation draws Hua Xineng to be exhibited greatly, outstanding award
2007 " atonic " , huaxi the sources of energy, collect
2004 " time " , beauty of teacher of Sichuan province art exhibits outstanding work (top prize) , outstanding award